Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A New Blogger

Welp, My best friend LOVES blogging... So I thought I would try my hand at it.

A little about me:

Hi! I'm Nora. I've been married little over 4 years to a wonderful man I met in High School. I have a 2 year old son named Asher, and another little one on the way. I am due February 9th 2010!!

I started knitting a few years ago, but crochet is a true passion. It is quick, easy and makes all my friends kids happy :)

Recently I have decided to focus more on charity work. "Crochet Against the Cold" is aimed at creating, collecting and donating hats, caps and afghans to Children and Adults afflicted with Cancer. Every little bit helps, and I have had such a blessed life, I would like to give back.

Thank you,

Nora :)

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