Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What a Day!!

Dentist, Lunch and then a VERY productive trip to Joann's for some curtain fabric for Asher's NEW ROOM!!! :) We decided on "cars" for one side and lime green for the other. I hope to get them done today... We shall see :)

Very little crochet done right now, my awesome Dad is in town from the Great White North for a week and a half. So spending lots of time with him is my top priority. Going to the Zoo tomorrow. Will Post Pics :)

Much love :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

This is an afghan I customized from a child's pattern found in one of my books. All I had to do was increase the hook size by 2 sizes and it made an 8 inch hexagon, a little math and BAM! A full size adult throw. Black and White were the recipients wedding colors, so it went perfectly with her decor at home too :) Each hexagon was done separately, and assembled at the end. Honestly, this is my FAVORITE blanket I have made so far.

"Dr. Mom's Head Hugger"

Here is a super cute hat I made (I added the pom-pom). Found the pattern at: has great patters for quick and easy hats, knit and crochet!

A New Blogger

Welp, My best friend LOVES blogging... So I thought I would try my hand at it.

A little about me:

Hi! I'm Nora. I've been married little over 4 years to a wonderful man I met in High School. I have a 2 year old son named Asher, and another little one on the way. I am due February 9th 2010!!

I started knitting a few years ago, but crochet is a true passion. It is quick, easy and makes all my friends kids happy :)

Recently I have decided to focus more on charity work. "Crochet Against the Cold" is aimed at creating, collecting and donating hats, caps and afghans to Children and Adults afflicted with Cancer. Every little bit helps, and I have had such a blessed life, I would like to give back.

Thank you,

Nora :)